Nov 14, 2011

hell you FAT !

okay ,
who's gettin fatter this holiday ?
yes raise your hand please .
okay me , and me , and me again !

not a good sign izzit ?
shitto !
macam kena pam time cuti
so how ?

i wish all the bad-fat in my body disappear !
yeah yeah keep on dreamin wawa .
nothings gonna happened LOL !
plus , im gettin bigger and chubbier , and not pretty , and not macho , and not handsome , and not tall , okay stop it ,
you're getting annoying !

i wish you guys could feel how depressed i am
okay bye !

cukup ini sebagai bukti ?


  1. hahahahahaha..bbboooooolllaattttt!! lepas ni leh tendang wawa mcm bola dh..ok kawan2! kita tak payah beli bola dh! yes! untung la kita...hahaha

  2. hahaha , eh mamu , mintak kaki ke , grrrrr ! ! hhaha


maki hamun di sini !